Les histoires necéssaires/Instrumental Stories


Les histoires necéssaires/ Instrumental Stories, Galerie D’art Louise-et-Reuben-Cohen dans le cadre du Congrès mondiale acadien août-septembre 2019. ’On November 13, 1924 at approximately four o'clock, Mrs. Edmund McLean, age 19, and Miss Lottie Ramsay, age 17, daughters of Mr. & Mrs. Sydney Ramsay, of Campbellton, went for a walk and decided to climb Sugarloaf Mountain. From that point on, nothing is known of their actions other than the fact that footprints led to the top of the mountain and ended near the edge of the cliff. Their dead bodies, battered and disfigured, were found at the foot of the mountain, six or seven hundred feet from the top.A Story of the crosses pamphlet, Georges Bourdages, http://www.parcsugarloafpark.ca/pdf/A%20Story%20of%20the%20crosses.pdf, see image #7 for full PDF

These two women were my great- great aunts.

Curator: Véronique LeBlanc

Présenté à la Galerie d'art Louise-et-Reuben Cohen de L'Université de Moncton et l'Hôtel de ville de Moncton dans le cadre du Congrès Mondial Acadien, août 2019 
